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Benefits of Potato

Benefits of Potato

Are you conscious of the pros and cons of the potatoes?
Potatoes are the part of our daily diets, and many people do not know the benefits of using it. They just eat for a taste or traditional. Potatoes are popular in the east and the west, which has so many benefits inside. Potato has a very arid effectiveness. Potato has iron, calcium, potassium and phosphorus in a significant amount. This is really helpful for physical health. Moreover, it has magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine and iodine is also very important to human health. Potatoes cover up vitamin B, carbohydrates 8.5 percent and protein 29 percent. There are numerous types of potatoes but red ball and white gold is the best. If you cook potatoes for a longer time it will lost his vitamins, Eating boiled potatoes has so many benefits.

Pros of potato

  • Boiled potatoes are good for children.
  • Bananas and boiled potatoes are the best for weak children.
  • Potatoes are important to reduce stress.
  • Potatoes have benefits to cut off the kidney stone if you use a lot of water after eating them.
  • Roasted potatoes and carrot mix with salt and pepper also reduces the pain of kidney stone.
  • Uncooked potato juice is good to heal heartburn.
  • Roasted potatoes 120 gram and 30 gram of tomatoes with a little ginger can cure arthritis.
  • Potato skin is useful to clean out the marks on your face.

Cons of potato

  • Potato weakens the stomach because of late digestion.
  • It destroyed by the wind.
  • Diabetes patients should aware of, potato chips and oily foods.
  • Be careful when you use spices with potatoes.
  • You should eat potatoes only 200 grams a day not more than that.

Muhammad Haroon

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