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What Is Food-People Lives 2015

What is food?

Food is something that has all the minerals and vitamins our body needs and provide energy in the body. By having a good diet gives you a boost throughout your day. Some essential nutrition’s are:
  • Protein
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fats
  • Mineral salts
  • Water
  • Vitamins
  • Body waste emissions
  • Protein: it consists of several nutrients as follows: it has nitrogen 12g, hydrogen 7g, carbon 4g, oxygen 33g, water and other nutrients 40 percent. The best example of protein is egg scrambler it has water and protein in high quantity. We found high proteins in meat, rice and lentils. It has two kinds.
  • Animal’s protein: meat, egg. Fish, butter and milk, etc.
  • Harvest protein: grains, rice, and lentils, etc.

Animal’s proteins are better than harvest proteins

    •  it has amino acids. Liver collects all the protein and changes into urea, which through lower intestine departs from your body. During digestion foods converts into proteins and it provide energy but not a part of your body because it doesn’t have amino acids and still our body needs both proteins
  • Food, which we eat

    • it should have both kinds of proteins. It reveals that both kinds of proteins are essential for your body. Protein helps our body to build muscles and glycogen, because of it our tissues become strong, also maintain oxygen in our body. Protein has carbon and oxygen, which works as an energy. After digesting food in stomach high proteins convert into pieces, it mix with the blood then goes to the liver. Liver takes out the nitrogen and changes it into urea and returns it into the blood and from here lower intestine release it. If a person only eats meat then urea stays in his blood and makes his veins hard. It’s eaten out the stickiness from your joints. After releasing nitrogen it transforms into fatty acids. Fatty acids and oxygen transforms into fat then stays near intestine. Some of amino acids which don’t change become the protein.
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Muhammad Haroon

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