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Benefits of water and vitamins

Benefits of water and vitamins

Benefits of water and vitamins


After oxygen the second most important element is water and in our body 70 percent of water exists. It helps to digest food and dissolve digested food. There’s 70 percent of water in our blood that runs it in the veins. It also released sweat and other bad particles through urine. Except this we also lose water when we breathe which we cover through drinking water. It helps food while digesting and thinker our food. If you feel thirsty you should take sip of water over time. During having meal if you’re drinking a lots of water it will weakens your stomach. If you drink water on empty stomach it cleans your veins and bad particles throughout your body in just half an hour. If you make your habit to drink water on empty stomach it also weakens it. The best way to drink water, drink half an hour before your meal and after 2 hours of your meal.


Vitamins are a carbon-based mixture and energetic nutrients that an organism requires in limited amount. A multi complex is named Vitamin. The name itself used by a popular doctor fink in 1914 from that time we use this name up till now. Vitamins provide essential nutrients to our body and keep us healthy. It exists in every diet but in different amounts. Now a day it uses as a capsule and you can get it from any medical store. Vitamins dissolve once it goes to your body and it’s just a secret. Vitamins effects even if you take a little bit of it. It doesn’t give you any muscles and you can’t determine its weight. Various vitamins we get from the harvest foods, some is already exists in our body and it stays in a liver.

Muhammad Haroon

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